Thursday, September 20, 2012

Against being Against.

I think that you are wrong, I love you, but I am convinced that what you are doing is sinful and you shouldn't do it.


Do you remember that I said I love you? Or do you remember that I said you're wrong?

Lets try again.

I think that there is something far greater for you than what you are doing right now. I love you and think that what you are doing is harming you because it is holding you back.


Do you remember that I care about your well-being? Or do you remember that what you're doing is wrong?

It makes sense that when something that defines you is attacked you feel defensive, but when you are looked out for you feel safe. That is logical and human.

Maybe we miss that in the Christian world.

I wonder how many people have been won into the kingdom of God because Christians are against something? I wonder how many people have thought "Man! I want to see what they're all about because they are against abortion!"

There are things worth fighting for. There are things that damage lives and society that should be stopped. I will always be against substance abuse and divorce. But it is not because I hate cocaine or people with commitment issues.

It is because I am for life free of bondage and love that is selfless and pure.

Christians will never win a war fought against sin, abortion, hate, slavery, or same sex marriage. No one will change because you think they are wrong. But we will stand a chance when we stand for hope, life, freedom, and family. People will change because you can offer them something more beautiful and fulfilling.

We are against so many things. Things like sex, drugs, anorexia, porn, old boring churches, bad theology, old hymns, new choruses, bad lighting, "rock n roll" stage lighting, and each other. No wonder people don't see us as loving and kind. No so many think Jesus is against them instead of for them. We are so busy hating sin (and things that we dislike) we barely love sinners.

We must stand firm. We must stand for. We must not stand against.

The most abrasive thing about a Christian should be the love of Christ that exudes from their very being. If there is something louder and more attractive than this about them then they are distracting from Christ.

- Being against something will never move us any farther than whatever we are pushing against.
- If we are against, we will be known for being against and remembered for being against and no one will see why we were against. (how many of us know more about PETA than that they hate killing animals? I sure don't...)
- When we stand against something we will lose all influence when what we are against changes, moves, or disappears. (How much do you hear about Westboro Baptist when they aren't picketing? very little. How much influence does Martin Luther King still have after his dream has begun to come true, even posthumously? immeasurable amounts.)

Even when the world ends, Christ has returned, and the world is set right Love will still be here and we will still stand for it.
Be known for what you are for. Lead people somewhere. Lead to a place, for a purpose, to bring about a great change that will last.

Do not lead against something, because when that wall is torn down you will have no where to go.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Another Blog on Leadership

It seems like everywhere I look today I find another book, podcast, blog, or tweet about leadership. Especially in the church world. People are writing about everything you can imagine, leading change, growing your church, creative culture, engaging culture, reaching the unchurched, leading a team, and really anything else that falls under the vague and broad spectrum of church leadership. I guess I'm just adding to the noise.

I've been thinking a lot lately about what it takes to be a good leader. I've been working on developing a program to train leaders through my church and this has forced me to step outside of my small perspective and think about what it truly is that enables a person to become a good leader.

The more I think and pray and read about this the more one idea is takes root in my mind: DO NOT lead from what you know. Lead from who you are.

This idea is illustrated poignantly in Acts 19 with the story of the Sons of Sceva. These men had a knowledge of who Jesus was based on the teachings of another man, but when they attempted to put that knowledge into practice it had no power. The demon responded that he knew Jesus and Paul, but did not know them. These men were acting from a knowledge of Jesus, not from an identity in Jesus.

My first priority as a leader is to become what it is I am trying to teach. Personal development is essential to being a good leader. I cannot lead what I do not live. I cannot take you where I have not been. In  the church world this means losing myself in Christ and in His love for me and for His church. Then when I am caught up in that love I can lead, because I am leading from what is natural for me to do, not what someone told me I should do. This principle applies to all areas of leadership, not simply the church. Lead from who you are. If who you are now is not what you want to lead others to then first develop yourself. Then you can be a guide, not a textbook.