Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Simple Christmas; Simple Jesus.

I love Christmas. I absolutely love it. I love Christmas trees, apple cider, snow, lights, carols, presents, Alabama Christmas on vinyl... I love Christmas.

Christmas is also a time of the year I am forced to face questions that make me uncomfortable.

It's a paradoxical season. At the same time we sing and pray for peace on earth we find ourselves arguing about what greeting to use. We thank God for giving up his very life for us while we make lengthy, expensive Christmas lists. We put up elaborate and costly displays of a simple, even shameful, manger into which a poor family laid Jesus after his birth. We even fill shoe boxes with things like toothbrushes and simple toys for children across the world and then buy our friends and family things that they don't need.

This season, more than any other, draws connections between materialism, prosperity, comfort, and Jesus that He never drew.

Let's take time this year to remember Jesus, who, not considering his "God-ness" something to be used for himself, made himself nothing. He became a servant and surrendered himself to the lowest possible death, that of a cross. Because he was generous to a point that many would call him unwise - even reckless - God raised him to glory. His extreme selflessness was his glory.

This Christmas may we remember the simplicity of the season. It is a season of thankfulness for salvation and generosity to those who do not deserve it. It is a season of the simple joys of life. As we open our presents and finish up our shopping may we each be challenged to look honestly at our lives. May we give radically and selflessly, not only to those who already have more than what they need, but to those who have needs greater than our own. May we not consider our blessings something to be used for our own good, but surrender ourselves for the good of others and the glory of God.

As you shop this year consider companies that choose to do good with their profits.
and many more

If you're like me, most of these companies look pretty expensive. Here are some other ideas.
Generosity Tip Jar: every time you buy a gift from a company with questionable integrity (basically everywhere) put a dollar (or a percentage) in a jar to donate to a company that does good or a family with greater needs.
Donate Time: There are always people that need help cleaning their house, food that needs to be served, trash that needs to be cleaned up, etc. This year, if money is not something in abundance, choose to be generous with your time. Time is money as they say!
Generous Friendship: One of the greatest needs this time of year is found in people who, for one reason or another, won't be spending time with family this year. Maybe they are elderly and can't get around. Maybe they have been cut off because of bad habits. Maybe they don't have family in the area. Choose to be generous with your friendships and open up your heart and home to someone who needs to experience love this season.

Have a truly blessed holiday season as you choose to be a blessing to those around you.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Actually Different

Jesus is a radical. His lifestyle, while engaging to the culture he was surrounded by, stood in clear distinction to the values of the world around him.
Jesus commonly used a phrase like this:  "You have heard it said... But I say to you..." In this way he challenged the expectations in culture and religion.  Like our world, the majority of people listening to Jesus speak had come to accept their perspective as accurate because little challenged them to do otherwise.

He did not avoid culture. He understood it; he communicated using it. People looked at him and connected with him because we was like them. It was this connection that allowed him to be so radically different from them. It is as if Jesus' life was continually saying "I'm like you but I have a better way."

The life of Jesus stands in as distinct of opposition to culture today as it did 2,000 years ago. Over time many have come to accept that this opposition is defined by what his followers do not do. We do not smoke. We do not drink. We do not sleep around. We're different.

Though these things that we choose to abstain from are part of what makes of different, when they become the primary variation between Christians and all others, they create a legalistic and shallow picture of who Jesus really is. (Besides each thing we choose not to do is not about what we avoid, but what we do instead. It's not that we don't have sex outside of marriage, it's that we seek purity in all things. It's not that we don't cuss, it's that we are respectful with our words. The "don't" always comes from a "do.")

Take the beatitudes. In these profound words from Christ he does not so much challenge the actions of culture as the values. He challenges materialism, selfishness, violence, and comfort.

Maybe the things that make us different should be less about what we don't do and more about what we do. Jesus attracted attention because of the good he did in society. Not the good he participated in with his church, but the good he did. He healed the sick, befriended the friendless, and loved the poor, all the while He was preaching hope, salvation, and freedom from sin.

Maybe by choosing to purchase with integrity - supporting justice instead of enabling slavery and greed- we appear as different. Maybe in being generous with our possessions and finances instead of continually looking for the latest model, newest toy, or most comfortable sweater we stand out. Maybe in the way we treat the sick, poor, widowed, and orphaned we look like Jesus. Maybe it is what we value and then what we do, instead of what we avoid that makes us like Jesus.

If you, like me, are beginning down the road to being truly like Jesus here are 2 simple resources.
This sight provides information on the justice practices of many organizations that we buy from regularly. Choose to spend with integrity. http://www.free2work.org/

This site provides a list of simple actions that might help you find a place to start. Some are radical, some are simple. If I'm honest with you, all are intimidating to me because they challenge my sense of comfort. I think I need to be challenged. Maybe we both do.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Anyone Can Change the World

I recently read an article which contrasted the ideas of ambition and meekness. It questioned how Jesus words to "make disciples of all nations" and to do "greater things" than even he did compared with statements about the meek inheriting the earth and the poor in spirit being blessed.

I believe this thinking stems from a flawed concept of change. The problem we face when we think of changing the world is that, most often, the mental picture that comes to mind is a packed sanctuary or a globally recognized non-profit.

In reality neither of these things necessarily leads to change. Effectively engaging culture, while important, is not change. Just because every millennial listens to the podcast, reads the book, or buys the shoes does not mean anything has really changed.

We have seen evidence that even laws, though an important step, do not necessarily lead to change. Just because people have to follow the rules or they'll get in trouble doesn't mean that they care or sacrifice for the cause. Killing people is illegal in most of the world. This hasn't led most of the advanced world to put much effort into stopping the killing that we do not commit or does not effect usDietrich Bonhoeffer said that "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." Making a rule to stop people from doing something doesn't change hearts anymore that ending slavery stopped racism. 

The fact is that lasting change is not legislation.
Change is not business.
Change is not even leadership.

Each of these can be- and should be- used to bring it about and can be necessary for immediate action and justice. But they are not change in and of themselves.

The only way for change to be a lasting and effective venture is to change people. The one's singing the songs, buying the clothes, walking in the marches, and handing out the food have to experience real heart transformation for it to be more than an event.

Change is person to person. When we think of world changers we think too quickly of celebrity leaders and too slowly of nameless mentors working with inner city kids. Jesus was meek. He sought out the poor and lowly. He hung out with the outcasts. He rarely did something to promote himself. On occasion He actually pleaded with people to not promote his name. It was what he did that attracted attention. Specifically, it was what he did for other people. He accepted them, forgave them, healed them, fed them, and then died for them.

Change is life on life. Change starts and ends with people who genuinely experience hope and are compelled to share it. Poor legislation and bad lighting can foster transformation though humble people and servant's hearts. Beautifully written policies and worship albums can cause serious damage without them.

When Jesus told us to do great things and to reach the world He was reminding us to be meek and to be servants because that is how the world is reached. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Joining God in Beauty

When God created the world he created it with care. He created it in stages. He created it with words.

As he pieced the world together from nothing, he regularly took a moment to look at what he created. When his eyes crossed the world that began in his imagination, there was only one phrase that flowed from his heart: "It is good."
I like to imagine God nearly giggling with excitement as he creates. Every once in a while he stops, looks back over the world, and mutters "yeah, yeah that's good. Haha! That's good!" Then he keeps going.

God created a world full of wonder and beauty. He created expansive plains where life could grow. He invented mountains so mighty that they inflict the significance and vastness of the world on every beholder. He created seas deep to the point that few can understand what is held beneath them.

He finished his work by creating us. Humans. We were the only ones who got an extra adjective. When God created humanity he looked, once again, over creation, and said "now that is very good." There are many reasons why God would think the addition of humanity really puts the world over the top, but I have to believe that one of those reasons is that we can enjoy his creation.

The infinite being who formed the earth created something that could experience his work, share his joy, and benefit from his creativity.

Beauty is close to the heart of God. He is a wonderful artist.

As participants in God's redemption of the earth, beauty is one of the ways that we join his work. Whether it is picking up trash on trail outside of town, expressing ourselves through art or music, helping a hurting person see the beauty in himself, or simply appreciating a sunset over lake Michigan's shore, when we participate in beauty we participate with God.

Let us, as followers of Jesus, make the world a more beautiful place in whatever way we can reach it.