Where we find value is the most influential aspect of our lives.
Where we find value is the most observable aspect of our lives.
Where we find value is the singular aspect of our lives that will attract people to Christ or distract people from him.
There is a story in scripture about a young man who was very wealthy. He was rich. He was young. He was a ruler. Hence the name of the story- "The Rich Young Ruler." Basically this guy was hooked up.
Our boy, henceforth referred to as the RYR, asks Jesus a very telling question: "How do I inherit eternal life?" Besides enlightening us to the fact that he was probably a trust fund baby it reveals something more telling. The RYR believed in Christ as the key to eternal life. He came to Jesus asking him about salvation. Reading on we see that this guy not only asked the right questions, he followed all of the laws. He was a good guy, and rich. (where my single ladies at?)
But Jesus pressed further. The following statement from Jesus is often used by pastors and extremists used to tell Christians that in order to follow him we should sell everything we have... because that's what Jesus said.... But that's not the heart of the passage. Jesus was asking this man what he really valued.
Jesus looked at this man and said "You believe I can give you eternal life. Good. Do you believe it enough to invest in it? How much do you really value what I have to offer?"
The RYR walked away very disheartened because his values did not match up with his belief. He came to Jesus seeking eternal life - something more valuable than anything he owned. But it became very obvious that this man did not see enough value in Christ to sacrifice his safety net.
The question I've been asking myself lately is "does my life look like I actually value Christ?" As Christians we claim that Christ is the answer to eternal life, the hope of the world, and the only way to have peace and joy, but do our lives prove that we value that? Or do they reveal that church is cool, but we should probably not invest everything there just in case?
Few people would buy stock in a company if they knew the CEO or employees didn't invest there. Few people will be die hard fans of a team that doesn't play like it values winning. Many people will trust in anything that someone is willing to risk everything for.
Does my Bible collect dust, or does is look like I believe it is the word of my God? Am I engaged in my church like it's the body of Jesus Christ on earth, or do I attend it with about the same intrigue as I attend the movie every Friday? Does my spending look like my money could further the Kingdom of Heaven, or does it look like it could help me out just in case my faith doesn't?
The secret to church growth, sharing the gospel with friends, missions work, and life is finding our value in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When people see that our Savior and our church are valuable enough for us to truly invest in- without a backup plan - they will wonder and want the value that we have. When they see that we value status, stability, decor, or music genres more than our Savior or the people He wants to save they will be turned off to everything we claim.
We claim to believe in an almighty God, where we find value will prove it.
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